Lunar New Year is just around the corner. For those who celebrate, doing spring cleaning and get all the things cleaned before the stroke of midnight of Lunar New Year’s Eve is a must. There is a reason behind this tradition. Keep reading to know about it more.
What is the superstition behind the Lunar New Year’s spring-cleaning tradition?
The main purpose is to get rid any bad luck that is accumulated over the past year. Your home attracts a lot of energy for your daily life. Having a dirty and messy house can bring negative effect into your life. It is believed that - once you clean and organized your house – you will have positive effect and more good fortune.
Here are some tips that can help you to start your Lunar New Year's spring cleaning.
To start arranging and cleaning your house, these tips might help you.

1. Throw away unnecessary items
As consumers, we tend to purchase a lot of things and keep them inside our home. Our mind will always think, we might need those items in future. However, no exception that some of them just become unwanted stuff from your house. Start to re-organize your items and throw away the unnecessary, will help you to clean up easier.
Start from your kitchen, study room, accessories box, and kid’s room.
For items which are still in good conditions, you can arrange for donation to help those in needs. Once you have downsized your stuff, it is easier for you to clean up the space.

2. Go Paperless
Do you realize that paper and books take quite a huge space inside your storage? If your home office is piled high with paperwork and bills, it's time for a paperless conversion. Start small from scanning the important documents. In the future, you always can purchase e-book or borrow it from local library.

3. Re-organize and Make Use of Compartment
Once you have thrown away unnecessary items & go paperless, it is easier for you to start organizing. You can plan to purchase organizer with compartments inside. Organize your items based on the functions, you will find it easier to get whenever you need it.
Organizer can be as solid as new cabinet, or as simple as DIY bookshelf. Since the main focus is to re-arrange and re-organize your items, you can consider more on how to utilize it on daily basis.

4. Hire a Professional
Doing home spring cleaning can be time and energy-consuming. However, it will all be worth it when you’re able to see no clutter in sight.
The bigger the space is, the more sacrifice you have to make to clean it thoroughly.
Hiring a professional to do spring cleaning will be a great idea. Professionals have been trained long hours to clean your home in effective way, so you can obtain well-cleaned space within few hours.
Start by contacting Cleaning Papa at +65 8944 3986 for free consolation, you can plan to arrange schedule for our team to do spring cleaning in your house. Just sit and relax, our team will do the chores for you.